Thursday, January 28, 2016

Taking responsibility for yourself to achieve success

Please answer questions 1, 2, and 3. Then, comment on at least two other students answers to questions 2 and/or 3.

1. In the introduction to the book College Success, (page 10 of the pdf), there is a list of 12 questions. Based on your answers (yes, unsure, or no), how confident do you feel about being ready for university? What can you do to be better prepared for your university career? Looking at the list on the next page, what are the three areas where you think you can improve?

2. Many people think of university studies mainly as a way to gain job skills and qualifications they need to work. After reading section 1.1, what other benefits come from a university education? Which ones are most important to you?

3. People choose majors in different ways. Some choose a major based on what career they want in the future. Some choose a major because they love studying that subject. Sometimes it is the student's parents who choose the major. Which method do you think is best, and why?

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Welcome to the course blog

Welcome to Education for Success! To get acquainted with the blog, please click below where it says "Comments," then post something to introduce yourself to the rest of the class.

You should log into your IUGB Gmail account first. That way, your name will automatically appear on your post.