Look at the following websites. Decide if you think each one contains reliable information, or if you think it is unreliable (you suspect the information is false), biased (the information is given to advance a particular point of view rather than giving objective information), or satirical (it is meant as a joke).
1. http://nationalreport.net/solar-panels-drain-suns-energy-experts-say/
2. http://www.coaleducation.org/q&a/10_reasons_why_coal.htm
3. http://martinlutherking.org/
4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AiU-KZ_KADY
Watch the following video that explains how false information spreads quickly nowadays: http://ed.ted.com/lessons/how-false-news-can-spread-noah-tavlin
What harmful effects can occur from the spread misinformation? Name some examples (use your own imagination to think of what could go wrong).
What steps can we take to avoid being fooled by biased or unrealiable sites?
Please answer the questions and comment on at least two other students' posts.